Ophthalmic Innovation

Advancing the industry’s most comprehensive ophthalmic surgical and pharmaceutical pipeline

At Glaukos, we are dedicated to addressing the greatest unmet needs of the global ophthalmic market, for physicians and for patients. That’s why we’ve spent more than a decade re-investing in R&D and clinical trial programs to develop and advance a deep pipeline of novel therapies currently being evaluated in FDA clinical trials, while leading the industry in clinical support and patient education resources. And it’s why we’re seeking to leverage our platform technologies to build an unrivaled portfolio of next-generation surgical and pharmaceutical therapies in glaucoma, corneal health, and retinal disease.

We’ve achieved many firsts in clinical studies and over the past several years, Glaukos has reinvested approximately 30% of all sales back into research and development activities – all to relentlessly advance our goal of creating and delivering transformative therapies for patients struggling with eye diseases and the skilled surgeons dedicated to their healing.

Product Pipeline

Our Strategy for Long-Term Growth

Pipeline Currently Includes 14 Candidates, Plus Additional Undisclosed Programs

iStent Micro-Surgical Device Platform

Product/CandidateIndicationU.S. Status
Product/CandidateiStent / iStent inject / iStent inject W IndicationMild-to-moderate primary open-angle glaucoma in combination with cataract surgery U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateiPrime IndicationDelivery of viscoelastic during ophthalmic surgery U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateiAccess IndicationManual cutting of TM during ophthalmic surgery U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateiStent infinite IndicationGlaucoma (failed on prior medical and surgical therapy) Standalone U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateiStent infinite IndicationEarlier Intervention Glaucoma Standalone U.S. StatusPhase 3
Product/CandidatePRESERFLO MicroShunt IndicationGlaucoma Standalone U.S. StatusPMA non-approvable; review ongoing
Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA Submission Approved

iDose Sustained-Release Pharmaceutical Platform

Product/CandidateIndicationU.S. Status
Product/CandidateiDose TR IndicationOcular Hypertension - Refractory Glaucoma U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateiDose TREX IndicationOcular Hypertension - Refractory Glaucoma U.S. StatusPhase 2/3
Product/CandidateiDose Next-Generation IndicationOcular Hypertension - Refractory Glaucoma U.S. StatusPre-clinical
Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA Submission Approved

iLution Transdermal Sustained-Release Pharmaceutical Platform

Product/CandidateIndicationU.S. Status
Product/CandidateGLK-301 IndicationDry Eye Disease U.S. StatusPhase 2
Product/CandidateGLK-302 IndicationPresbyopia U.S. StatusPhase 2
Product/CandidateGLK-311 IndicationGlaucoma U.S. StatusPhase 2
Product/CandidateGLK-311 IndicationBlepharitis U.S. StatusPre-clinical
Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA Submission Approved

iLink® Bio-Activated Pharmaceutical Platform

Product/CandidateIndicationU.S. Status
Product/CandidatePhotrexa (Epi-off) IndicationKeratoconus U.S. StatusApproved
Product/CandidateEpioxa (Epi-on) IndicationKeratoconus U.S. StatusFDA Submission
Product/CandidateThird-Generation IndicationKeratoconus U.S. StatusPhase 2
Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA Submission Approved

Retina XR Bio-Erodible Sustained-Release Pharmaceutical Platform

Product/CandidateIndicationU.S. Status
Product/CandidateGLK-401 (IVT Multi-Kinase Inhibitor) IndicationAge-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) U.S. StatusPhase 2
Product/CandidateGLK-411 (IVT NCE Conjugate) IndicationDME U.S. StatusPre-clinical
Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA Submission Approved

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